About me

Hello. I'm Teejay VanSlyke, a human being in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

I've loved making things since I was a child. My grandpa taught me how to program in QuickBASIC when I was six years old. Two years later I was teaching my classmates. I started my own paper-bag-puppet business when I was in first grade. In third grade, I led my class in producing a library of handmade books to share. By my teenage years I'd discovered electronic music and video production. Creativity has always been central to my identity and integral to my wellness.

I've produced original art and music since I was 15 years old.

Since 2007, I've built a career building software for the web.

In 2012, I sold most of my belongings and moved into a small motorhome. It taught me about resourcefulness, minimalism, and carpentry. I gave a short talk about the experience at Ignite Portland 11. I miss the challenge of living in a tiny space, and hope to someday build a tiny house or a stealth conversion van.

In 2020, I built out my custom campervan, Vincent Van-Go. I've since moved into an apartment, but still use him as my daily driver.