Why I decided not to buy a house

The rent is too damn high.

Especially here in Oregon. In Portland, rents were up 34% as of 2016.

Because of this, I've spent a disproportionate amount of my time contemplating whether I should buy a house to insulate my family from the threat of ever-increasing rents.

I called a mortgage broker. I surveyed the local real estate market here in Eugene. There are 1200 square foot houses with list prices greater than $300,000. And don't even ask about Portland, where I could barely afford a shoebox condo next to a freeway.

After seeing the San Francisco Bay Area become unaffordable even for the upper middle class, it's scary to imagine Oregon ending up in the same situation.

But then I realized something.

I don't want to own a house. Ever.

The only reason I want a house is to hedge against rising rents. I don't want to spend my weekends at Home Depot. I don't want to remodel a kitchen. And I really don't want to sink a ton of money into a house.

I like to move around. I like to live nimbly. To know I can call my landlord, pay a lease break fee, and be free to do anything I want.

A house is a prison. At least, for me. It might be a great investment for you. But I'd rather live in a micro-studio for the rest of my life than be stuck because I was afraid of rising rents.

Feeling insignificant

For the past few years I've been frantically saving and investing money.

I feel fortunate that my skills are in demand and permit me to invest a large percentage of my income while still enjoying a pleasant existence today.

But despite this, I find myself feeling insignificant, and blaming the balance of my investment account for my malcontent.

Reading this interview with Derek Sivers made me realize that while owning a nice pile of stocks and bonds makes me feel more financially secure, it will never make me feel more emotionally or spiritually secure.

In the absence of conspicuous consumption and overindulgence, I will not suddenly feel connected to others. I will not, by virtue of my frugality, be generous and noble.

The only way to feel connected and generous is to do generous deeds and to connect with others.

Adding React to a Middleman project with Webpack

Middleman is a static site generator written in Ruby. It's a great way to produce rich static content sites without the need for a server. Despite this, it doesn't come with internal support for modern JavaScript frameworks like React. Luckily, Middleman 4 ships with a feature called External Pipeline which allows wiring in your own external build tool like Gulp or Webpack.

Let's look at how to integrate Webpack with Middleman for the purpose of using React on our site.

Install development dependencies

First, let's install the dependencies we'll need to build our React code. Note that we're using the --save-dev flag to indicate to npm that we should append these libraries to the devDependencies section of our package.json.

$ npm install --save-dev babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react webpack uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
  • babel-core is the core Babel package for transpiling ES6 and JSX into browser-friendly ES5 JavaScript.
  • babel-loader is a Webpack loader which loads files from our path into Babel.
  • babel-preset-es2015 is a preset for Babel to transpile ES6 code.
  • babel-preset-react is a preset for Babel to transpile JSX code.
  • webpack is Webpack itself.
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin is a Webpack plugin to uglify and compress our code for production.

Install React

Next, install the React packages, this time using --save to indicate these are runtime dependencies:

$ npm install --save react react-dom

Set up your Babel configuration file

Babel has its own configuration file inside .babelrc. Create this file in the root of your Middleman project with the following contents:

  "presets": [
    "es2015", "react"

This file tells Babel to use the es2015 and react presets we installed in the first step.

Configure Webpack

Next we'll configure Webpack with a basic configuration file that supports both development and production environments. Place the following inside the file webpack.config.js in the root of your project:

// webpack.config.js
var webpack = require('webpack');

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

const productionPlugins = [
  new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"'
  isProduction ? new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
    compress: {
      warnings: false,
  }) : null,

module.exports = {
  entry: './assets/javascripts/index.js',
  devtool: isProduction ? false : 'source-map',
  output: {
    library: 'MyApp',
    path: __dirname + '/tmp/dist',
    filename: 'bundle.js',
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/
  plugins: isProduction ? productionPlugins : []

Notice that we use the isProduction flag to toggle the use of the UglifyJsPlugin as well as whether we use a devtool to provide us with source maps for debugging.

Configure Middleman to build Webpack

Now that we've configured Webpack, let's tell Middleman to execute it whenever it rebuilds. To do this, we'll activate the external pipeline plugin in our config.rb and point it at the Webpack executable:

# config.rb

activate :external_pipeline,
  name: :webpack,
  command: build? ?
  "NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --bail -p" :
  "./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --watch -d --progress --color",
  source: "tmp/dist",
  latency: 1

When we run middleman build, we run Webpack with NODE_ENV=production. This triggers our production build options in our Webpack configuration.

When using middleman server though, we tell Webpack to --watch for changes and automatically rebuild.

Middleman will look for the result of our built assets inside tmp/dist. Let's go ahead and create that directory now:

$ mkdir -p tmp/dist

Build an example React component

Now that we've got our tooling configured, let's create a simple React component to test that everything works. First, create a directory to store your Webpack JavaScript assets. I place these files in assets/javascripts since Sprockets looks inside source/javascripts, and I don't want Sprockets to attempt to build my React code.

$ mkdir -p assets/javascripts

Next, let's sketch out a React component. Note that from index.js I'm exporting a function renderHello which renders the HelloWorld component to a DOM element specified by ID. This allows us to call upon fragments of React code from within existing pages.

// assets/javascripts/index.js

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

const HelloReact = props => (
  <div>Hello, React!</div>

function renderHello(id) {
  const el = document.getElementById(selector);
  ReactDOM.render(<HelloReact />, el);

export default {

Mount the component

Finally, mount the component onto an existing DOM element on a page. First include the built bundle.js file. Then, call renderHello:

    <div id="hello">

    <%= javascript_include_tag  "bundle" %>
    <script type="text/javascript">

Other resources

When you forget why

I don't ever want to forget why.

There are so many layers in what I do. From the sales process to the technical work to the administrative work.

It's easy to get caught in a cycle of continuing to do what you've always done without looking up from your work.

It's easy to forget that all this work is a means toward an end and not the end itself.

The end is my family.

The end is a cup of coffee enjoyed in tranquility on my porch.

The end is the cool breeze as I ride my bicycle along the river.

I want to serve others. But I'll serve them better if I serve myself.

Addicted to advice

Self-help books. Articles on Medium and Thought Catalog. Top ten lists. Seminars. Order my monthly coaching package.

And in rushes the anxiety. Are you doing everything you could be? Are you doing enough? Do you have what it takes? What will happen if you don't act now? Are you falling behind?

Are we addicted to advice? Are we listening too much too often to the babble of other people who tell us they know better how to be?

I challenge myself today to rely on instinct. To act on intuition. To beat my own drum and to listen to the song.

I'm Teejay, and I'm a recovering advice addict.


Integrity is a virtue.

There are a million ways to make your website convert better. But some of them abuse the visitor and dangle carrots that don't help them.

I can't remember the last time I saw an on-exit popup that made me smile.

It's easy to make a living selling the idea of becoming rich or famous and then not deliver.

It's harder to make a living encouraging someone to do their best and genuinely help them get as far as they can.

I don't want to sell shovels to miners. My vow to my clients is simple: I will always act in your best interest.

Fighting the urge to remain in motion

Do you ever find yourself involuntarily trending toward making life more difficult than it need be? To crave change and excitement—the very same that you were trying to eradicate through the simplicity and calm you now inhabit?

I've felt that way recently. A drive to shake things up for the sake of shaking them up. Funny though; where I am now was a dream only a year ago.

It pays to reflect on our journey occasionally to recognize our progress. But fighting the urge to remain in motion is futile until we reach the grave.

Remote for life

The last time I went to an office was in 2007.

I remember never quite feeling at ease. Wanting to work but feeling like there was a pressure to stay for the full eight hours. Not feeling like I could go take a break to clear my mind. Subordination.

Ten years later and I've invested in working from home.

I've built myself a lovely minimalist workstation where I'm able to be productive without distractions. I work in my sweatpants and make my own lunches. I'm simultaneously productive and happy and free. This is the lifestyle that works for me.

I know I might be missing out on career opportunities because of my stubbornness to work from home, but in my view they're not worth the commutes and the feeling of entrapment.

There was an article in the New York Times yesterday about people with commutes more than 2 hours. If you work an 8-hour day and commute 4 hours per day to get there and back, that's a 33% pay cut.

My trip to Portland reminded me how city commuting can be stressful. The busyness and the sense we all have to be somewhere fast. From my perspective, we ought to spend our time figuring out how not to do that anymore.

That's why I've built my life around working remotely. And while I might turn down opportunities to grow, I know I'm in control of my own time.

The Portland I used to know

I went to Portland this past weekend to attend Edward Tufte's excellent Presenting Data and Information course.

Having lived there for the better part of a decade, I've always thought of Portland as my adulthood home. A place to which I'd return someday. A place bookmarked in time.

But now I'm not so sure. The experience I had in Portland this time left my befuddled: Had Portland changed so dramatically in the three years I'd been gone, or did my own values change?

My friends there say it's probably a bit of both. I remember a Portland where ordinary people could afford to open small businesses. Now it seems as though all of those lovely local businesses are closing. I'm not opposed to change and certainly don't think preservation legislation is the answer, but it's a difficult and depressing pill to swallow.

And can we talk about the cultural shift? I don't mean to stereotype, but I'm about to. When did Portland go from a place where the punks and weirdos thrive to a place where it seems as though people go to great lengths to manicure their appearance to the point of absurdity? Was Portland always the epicenter of douchey-cool and I've just grown out of it? Or has it reached its tipping point?

I still love the Portland cityscape and don't bemoan out-of-towners who dream of moving there. One of the unique draws of city life is being surrounded by people different from you. But Portland's recent homogenization represents a shift away from that diversity. I'm not talking about racial diversity or even ethnic diversity. I mean diversity of ideas. A place where both artists and businesspeople can thrive. That's the Portland I left. And now I'm not so sure I'll go back.


Life is peaceful when there are buffers.

The time between the present moment and your next obligation is a buffer. The money in your bank account that protects you from insolvency is a buffer. Food in the pantry. The space between your neighbor's house and your own.

As I've grown older, I've noticed I want wider buffers. I'm less willing to allow them to shrink to their size ten years ago. Busyness. Brokeness. Empty pantries and tiny apartments.

Part of me misses that wild abandon. But when I sleep at night knowing there's a cushion between me and the world, I smile.